Got a suggestion that isn't listed here? Please email me at!
Future (as of v1.34 - later versions may have these implemented)
- Multithreaded TCP code. - Use of multiple sockets. - Add any arbitrary header to messages. - Quicker displaying, exporting and replying of messages with large attachments. - Faster index reading/writing - also avoid problem where Unread/Replied-to flags are lost if NewsCoaster crashes before switching folders or quitting. - Multiple 'Edit Newsgroup' windows. - Multiple 'New Newsgroup' windows. - Multiple 'Group Manager' windows. - Allow multiposting of messages instead of crossposting. - 'Change Subject' option. - Handling of different language/charset ISOs. - Launch external editor for writing messages. - Launch external editor for editing .sigs. - Store .sigs in separate text files instead of the .prefs file.